Bruce Leibowitz
Bruce Leibowitz

Now, a little about me.

I was born in 1965 in Detroit (the “motor city”, maybe that’s why I love cars???) and lived in Kansas City and New York City with my parents before returning to the suburbs of Detroit and graduating from Harrison High in Farmington Hills. From there I attended Wayne State University in Detroit, graduating with a BA in Communication, and the Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts in Southfield where I received training in radio and television broadcasting.

In the early 1990s I lived in Coconut Creek Florida afterward, doing video production for Continental Cablevision. I actually had to start out as a non-paid volunteer, delivering pizza for both Domino’s and Pizza Hut on the side to make some money, then worked on some paid shows, and then got hired full time first in production and then as a Producer/Director.  I landed my first job at a broadcast television station several years later in 1997 in Tallahassee. In 2023 I made a change from television production to aviation, which has been a strong interest of mine for a very long time.  See my Work Page for more details on my resume.

As for travel, I’ve only been to 32 states and just a couple places in Canada. I’m not as well traveled as some people I know but there are still many places left to see. My favorites are Colorado, California, and Arizona. I love the mountains! Standing at the top of a 14,000 foot peak in Colorado was definitely a surreal experience. I wish I had a digital camera back then!

Creating a web site is something I started doing as a hobby after I bought my first computer in 1998 which came with a program called FrontPage Express. In 2002 I bought this domain and set up a more permanent online presence. The main purpose of this site is to introduce myself to the world and get a little web design experience – a place to experiment. Everything I’ve created on these websites I have learned on my own with no formal training. I’m an aviation enthusiast/photographer as well and have created a separate site to showcase that part of my life.

Also, I have two cats!  Check out the pages for Jett and Jack to learn more about my fur babies and see pictures of them.